The Oklahoma Secretary of State provides a Business Entities Search facility that allows you to search for businesses that have been registered in Oklahoma. They allow you to search on a wide variety of factors and view publicly available information about the businesses. You can search by:
- Entity name
- Filing number
- Search active
- Name availability
- Banks
- Churches
- Domestic cooperatives
- Registered agents
- Name of person
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
Search by entity name
The Oklahoma Business Entities Search database can be searched in a variety of ways for names which includes the basic search for an entity name or you can do an advanced search. Advanced name searches include search active, name availability, banks, churches and domestic cooperatives.
When you search by entity name you will get a list of businesses that match your search criteria and the list includes the filing number, entity name, entity type, name type and status.
You can find more information about any of the businesses listed by clicking on the filing number highlighted in blue. The business record includes:
- Filing number
- Name type
- Status
- Corporation type
- Jurisdiction
- Formation date
- Registered agent information
You can also order documents for the business and business owners can also view their entity details and file documents.
Search by filing number
If you know the filing number for a business you can search the Business Entities Search database by changing the search perimeters to filing number, as a quicker way to find the business.
The search should produce a single result as the filing number is unique to the business, and the result will display the filing number, entity name, entity type, registered agent, name type and status. More information about the business and available actions can be viewed by clicking on the filing number in blue text. This provides additional information such as formation date, corporation types and jurisdiction.
Search by registered agent
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
- 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service
- Free Domain, Website, Email & Phone
- In business since 1998!
- Business Address & Free Mail Forwarding
- Fast LLC Filing
- Privacy by Default
The database can also be searched by registered agent name which allows you to search using separate fields for first, middle and last names as well as select either business or individual.
The results are displayed in a list with the filing number, entity name, entity type and registered agent name.
Further information about the businesses can be viewed by clicking on the filing number highlighted in blue. The business record includes publicly available information such as status, corporation type, formation date and jurisdiction.
Search by name of person
The Oklahoma Business Entities Search database can also be searched by name of person which allows you to search by business or individual and enter names into separate fields for first, middle and last name.
Search results include information about the businesses that the person is involved with and the list includes filing number, entity name, entity type and person name.
You can view more information on the businesses by clicking on the filing number in blue. The record for the business will display additional information such as status, corporation type, jurisdiction, formation date and registered agent information.
Contact details
Phone: Business filings (405) 522-2520
Address: Colcord Center, 421 NW 13th Street, Suite 210/220, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
Hours: Monday-Friday 8.00am-5.00pm
How to register a business in Oklahoma?
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
- 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service
- Free Domain, Website, Email & Phone
- In business since 1998!
- Business Address & Free Mail Forwarding
- Fast LLC Filing
- Privacy by Default
Many business types will need to register with the Oklahoma Secretary of State before they start to operate. Below are some steps to help you register your business:
- You will need to start by selecting a business name and you should perform a name availability search on the Oklahoma Business Entities Search database. You can also reserve this name if you are not ready to register the business yet.
- Then you will need to decide which business structure you are going to register your business as and operate under.
- Complete a business registration which can be done online or you can complete the downloadable forms that can be mailed. Registration costs $100 plus a service fee. You will need to complete the appropriate form for your business entity type:
- Corporations – Certificate of Incorporation
- Limited liability companies – Articles of Organization
- Limited liability partnerships – Statement of Qualification
- Limited partnership – Certificate of Limited Partnership
How much does an Oklahoma business entity search cost?
Oklahoma Secretary of State does not charge for business entity searches on their Business Entities Search database.
How can I get a business license in Oklahoma?
In Oklahoma, there is no statewide general business license required to operate in the state. However, some businesses will need to get occupation or professional licenses, permits or special registrations before they start to operate. Some of the most common licenses and permits are detailed on the Oklahoma Commerce website.
Local licenses and permits may also apply, and you should contact your local county, town or city office for further details on their requirements. Fees for the licenses and permits vary depending on the type of license and location.