In Alaska, you can conduct business searches on the State of Alaska Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing database.
They can provide you with key information about the business including the business’ history and current status. They enable searches to take place on several search criteria including:
- Entity name
- Entity number
- Officials
- Registered agents
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
Search by entity name
State of Alaska allows you to search their corporations database by entity name which you can do in combination with an entity number if you have one and you can select whether you want the name to start with or contain the name.
The search results will show the entity type, entity number, name, name type and current status with the State of Alaska.
You can select the record by clicking on the entity number which is highlighted in blue to view the record in more detail. The details can include:
- Business name and any previous names
- Entity type
- Entity number
- Status
- Formed date
- Home State
- Date the next biennial report is due
- Physical address
- Registered agent name and address
- Officials’ names and titles
- Filed documents which can be viewed
Search by entity number
The State of Alaska corporation database can be searched by the entity number if you know it.
This will take you straight into the business record which allows you to view information such as business name, status, formed date, address, officials and documents, as listed above under search by entity name.
Search by corporate officials
The Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing database can also be searched by corporate officials where you can enter the last name and first name in separate fields and can select whether it starts with or contains the name.
The results will list out entities with people listed with that name. The list includes details of the entity type, entity number, business name, official name and title.
You can see further details about the business by selecting the entity number which is highlighted in blue. The records include information including business name, status, formed date, address, officials and documents, as listed above under search by entity name.
Search by registered agents
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
- 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service
- Free Domain, Website, Email & Phone
- In business since 1998!
- Business Address & Free Mail Forwarding
- Fast LLC Filing
- Privacy by Default
Similar to the corporate officials search, they also offer a search by registered agents. You can enter the last name and first name in separate fields and select whether it starts with or contains the name.
A list will be generated which will include all entities with people with that name as the agent. The list includes details of the entity type, entity number, business name, agent name and title.
You can see further details about the business by selecting the entity number which is highlighted in blue. The records include information including business name, status, formed date, address, officials and documents, as listed above under search by entity name.
Also see our guide to the best Alaska registered agents here.
Contact details
Phone: Juneau (907) 465-2550 or Anchorage (907) 269-8160
Address: Mailing address– P.O. Box 110800, Juneau, AK 99811-0800 Physical offices – Juneau – 333 Willoughby Ave, 9th Floor State Office Building, Juneau, AK 99801, and Anchorage – 550W 7th Ave, STE 1535, Anchorage AK 99501-3587
Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am-11.30am and 12.30pm-3.00pm
Email: or
How to register a business in Alaska?
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
- 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service
- Free Domain, Website, Email & Phone
- In business since 1998!
- Business Address & Free Mail Forwarding
- Fast LLC Filing
- Privacy by Default
If you are looking to set up a business in Alaska you should follow these steps to get your business registered:
- Choose your business name and check if it is valid before continuing.
- Select your legal business entity type which reflects the best type for your business structure.
- Register your business with the state which can be completed online with the Alaska Department of Commerce or through the mail. A filing fee of $25 applies and it can take 10-15 days for the registration to be completed.
- If you are an LLC or corporation you will also need to file Articles of Organization or Articles of Incorporation through the Alaska Department of Commerce either online or through the mail. A filing fee of $250 applies.
- Appoint a registered agent which if you are an LLC will need to be a registered agent.
For more see our guide on how to form an LLC here.
How much does an Alaska business entity search cost?
There are no charges for conducting a business entity search on Alaska’s Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing database.
How can I get a business license in Alaska?
Once you have completed the set-up of your business the first thing you will need to do is purchase an Alaska business license from the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development. This license is an annual license that is renewed annually and is charged at $50 for new and renewal licenses.
Other licenses and permits may be required depending on the nature of your business and which Municipality your business is located in. You should consult your Municipality website to see which business licenses apply to your business.
Also see: How To Find Alaska Bookkeepers & Bookkeeping Services