The North Dakota Secretary of State provides a business search facility that is designed to help people find information about businesses that have registered with them in North Dakota. They provide a wealth of information about businesses that is publicly available information.
You can search their database by:
- Business name
- System ID
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
Search by business name
The North Dakota business search database can be searched by business name and it allows you to do a basic search or an advanced search. The advanced search enables you to add filters for contains or starts with, and you can choose to display only active entities.
The search results show a list in a table which includes information about the businesses including business name, business type, SOS control ID number, status, standing and filing date.
You can view more details about any of the businesses listed by clicking on the form info column colored in blue. This will display the publicly available information about the business which includes:
- Business name
- Filing type
- Status
- Standing
- Formed location
- Term of duration
- Initial filing date
- Principal address
- Mailing address
- AR due date
- Registered agent
- History
You can also request copies of certificates for the business.
Search by system ID
The database can also be searched by system ID if you know what the business’ system ID number is.
The search should produce a single result as the system ID number is unique. The results will include basic information about the business including business name, business type, SOS control ID number, status, standing and filing date. You can view more information about the business by clicking on the blue highlighted box with the business name in. This will display additional information such as where it was formed, address details, agent details and more as listed above in search by business name.
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
- 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service
- Free Domain, Website, Email & Phone
- In business since 1998!
- Business Address & Free Mail Forwarding
- Fast LLC Filing
- Privacy by Default
Contact details
Phone: (701) 328-4284 or 800-352-0867 ext 328-4284
Address: 600 E Boulevard Avenue, Dept 108, Bismarck, ND 58505-0500
How to register a business in North Dakota?
- Packages from $0 + State Filling Fees
- Start an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or Non-profit
- Available in all 50 states!
- Free compliance reminders
- No hidden cost business formation
- No long-term contracts and subscriptions
- 1 Free Year of Registered Agent Service
- Free Domain, Website, Email & Phone
- In business since 1998!
- Business Address & Free Mail Forwarding
- Fast LLC Filing
- Privacy by Default
If you are setting up a business in North Dakota there are a few steps that you should undertake:
- Start with your business name which you may want to check isn’t already in use in North Dakota by doing a business entity search on the North Dakota business search database.
- You should then decide what business structure your business will have as this will impact how you form your business and operate.
- You will need to complete formation documents and send them to the Secretary of State:
- Limited liability companies need to complete articles of organizations
- Corporations need to complete articles of incorporation
- Limited liability partnerships need to complete a Limited Liability Partnership Registration
- General partnerships and sole proprietorships do not need to register their business
How much does a North Dakota business entity search cost?
North Dakota does not charge for conducting business entity searches on their business search database.
How can I get a business license in North Dakota?
North Dakota does not have a statewide business license, however, there are a range of licenses that are required depending on your industry or profession. The State of North Dakota has a list of business licenses that are available from the Attorney General and Secretary of State. You can also search the NDSU list of reports, forms and licenses in North Dakota for further information.